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Q: What is the symbiosis of the mistletoe ants and aphids?
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Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids?

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant. The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids. This is referred to as a symbiotic relationship.

How do ants and aphids help each other?

Aphids produce honeydew,and ants use it as a source of energy to them, and in exchange they provide protection against aphids predators.

What are Little ranchers?

Honeypot ants tending a "herd" of aphids - the ants "milk" the aphids for honeydew.

Ants and aphids often live near each other. The ants feed on the wastes produced by the aphids and the aphids are protected from predators by the presence of the ants. What type of relationship is thi?


Ants feed on the wastes produced by aphids and aphids are protected by predators from the ants what kind of relationship is this?


Do aphids protect ants?

Yes, they do. Some species of ants herd aphids the same way we do cattle or sheep. They carry them to fertile areas where the aphids can feed on plant saps and in return the ants get fed nutritious sweet excretions from the aphids. They will protect from enemies because this is a necessary food source.

What type of relationship is in this scenario?

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant. The aphids are protected by the ants, while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids. What type of relationship is exampled in this scenario?

What type of relationship is it when ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant and the aphids are protected by the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids?

Mutual Relationship

What another word for symbiosis?

"partnership" or "mutually beneficial" ie. Ants and peonies have a symbiosis or symbiotic relationship. (Peonies will not bloom unless they have ants on them.)

What is the symbiosis type of mistletoe and a tree?

Parasitic. The mistletoe plant attaches to the host plant and penetrates its branches, from where it absorbs nutrients.

Can ants eat ladybugs?

Ants will not bother a ladybug unless it is eating the aphids on your plants. Ants will protect aphids from any preditor because of the secretions the aphids produce. Ants will gain up on a large ladybug, any lady bug and bring it down.

Why don't ants eat aphids?

Ants protect aphids by killing other organism that may eat the aphids. Often the ants will decapitate organisms and then take them back to their nest and consume them there. The aphids in return give the ants a sweet, viscous honey like substance made from the sap in the phloem tubes of the plant that contains sucrose. This is done by the ants 'milking' the aphids by rubbing the aphids nape just above the abdomen.