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There is not true symbiotic relationship. However, he cattle egret removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them. This benefits both species.

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Q: What is the symbiotic relationship between the cattle egret and the cow?
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What is the relationship between egret and cattle?

There is not true symbiotic relationship. However, he cattle egret removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them. This benefits both species.

What is the relationship between the cattle egret and cow?

There is not true symbiotic relationship. However, he cattle egret removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them. This benefits both species.

What is the cattle egret commensalism relationship with cattle?

This question is really rhetorical, because commensalism is one of the symbiotic relationships between one animal species and another. Thus the question really answers itself: the symbiotic relationship between egret and cattle is commensalism.

Is there anything bad about the symbiotic relationship of an elephant and cattle egret?

If it's truly symbiotic, no, by definition.

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The cattle egret and the African ankole have a symbiotic relationship called mutualism. In this relationship, two different organisms work together and each one benefits from it.

What is the symbiotic relationship between a buffalo and a cowbird?

There is not true symbiotic relationship. However, he cattle egret removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them. This benefits both species.

What are the symbiotic relationship envirolment?

any relationship shared between 2 organisms that is mutually beneficial for the both concerned is called a symbiotic relationship environment. Like a relationship between the Egret bird and the crocodile. The bird helps the animal with cleaning of his teeth and in return gets food.

Cattle egret and a cow is their relationship mutualism?

The only relationship between a Cattle Egret and grazing animals is that the Egret will remove fleas and ticks from cattle. It will also follow other grazing animals as they eat, picking the insects that they stir up while they graze.

Why do you think the egret is sitting on the buffalo?

They have a 'symbiotic' relationship. The egret cleans the buffalo skin of flies and parasites, and the buffalo gives the egret 'protection' from any animal that would otherwise eat the bird !

What is the term for the relationship between the crocodiles and the EGRET?


Why doesn't commensalism exist in nature?

Commensalism does exist in nature. It means a relationship between two organisms where one benefits and the other is not affected. An example is the cattle egret and cattle. The egrets live near the cattle and benefit by eating the insects stirred up by the cattle's hooves. The cattle are not affected.

Which symbiosis is a egret an insect eating a bird graze near some herbivores mouth?

The symbiotic relationship that they have is called commensalism. It is a type of relationship wherein one organism benefits from other with the latter not affected by it.