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In the Illiad, likely the spear of Patroclus which killed him.

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Q: What is the symbol of Sarpedon in Greek myth?
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What is sarpedon eye color?

It isn't told in Greek myth.

Who is Sarpedon's mom?

There are several Sarpedons in Greek myth, the first is the son of Zeus and Europa; the second the son of Evander and Deidameia or Laodamia.

What is the symbol fo rthe greek god gaia?

The symbol of Gaia is the Earth, which she personifies in Greek myth.

Who is sarpedon?

In Greek myth Sarpedon is a common name; the first Sarpedon was the son of Europa and Zeus, a brother of Rhadamanthys and Minos. After death all three of these brothers became judges of the dead in the Underworld. The second Sarpedon, king of Lycia, a descendant of the preceding, was a son of Zeus and Laodamia, daughter of Bellerophon. He fought on the side of the Trojans, with his cousin Glaucus, during the Trojan War becoming one of Troy's greatest allies and heroes. A third Sarpedon was a Thracian son of Poseidon, eponym of a city Sarpedonia, and brother to Poltys, King of Aenus.

What is Apollo's tripod?

A modern innovation, as such did not exist as a symbol of Apollo in Greek myth.

How do you capitalise Greek myth?

Greek Mythology or Greek Myth.

What are all Greek symbols?

The Greek goddess has a number of symbols. The Zeus symbol is the thunderbolt while the Hera symbol is the Diadem.

Is scorpius a Greek or roman myth?

Greek myth

Is narcissus a greek myth or a roman myth?

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Is Orion's myth Greek or roman?

it is a greek myth.

Why did Zeus want to save sarpedon?

Sarpedon was his son.

What is the historybackground information of the cadeceus?

The caduceus is the symbol of two snakes entwined around a winged staff. The staff is generally recognized as the symbol of the Greek messenger god Hermes. In earliest Greek myth, the caduceus was held by Iris, the messenger of Hera, but eventually Hermes took Iris' place in Greek myth. In modern times, the caduceues is sometimes mistakenly thought of as the symbol for medicine. That symbol is actually the Rod of Asclepius, and is a single snake entwined around a (non-winged) staff.