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The Symbol Is A Moon And A Star. They Are On The Turkish Flag In Yellow.

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11y ago

The religious symbol of Islam is a Crescent moon and a Star right next to it.

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Q: What is the symbol of religion Islam?
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Related questions

What is the symbol faith of Islam?

No symbol per Islam religion.

What religion uses a crescent moon and star symbol?

While the religion of Islam is often associated with this symbol, it is actually the symbol of the Ottoman Empire. Islam itself has no symbol.

What is the Muslim symbol about?

It is about the religion of Islam.

What is true symbol of Islam?

No religious symbol for Islam religion as the Cross in Christianity or David Star in Judaism.

What is the holy symbol in Islam religion?

First day moon named Halal.

Which religion is represented by a star and a crescent?

This symbol represents Islam.

What is a symbol of Muslim religion and how is this the source of all that is?

It is crescent. In the early days of Islam, there was no symbols representing it. After Turks started to join Islam, they brought their symbol, crescent, with them. Gradually, the crescent became the symbol of Islam.

What do the crescent and star stand for in the symbol of Islam?

It has no relation religiously with Islam. It may be used politically on flags but has no relation with the religion of Islam.

What does the symbol of the religion Islam look like and what is the story behind it?

There is no religious symbol for the Islam religion in the sense as the cross in Christianity or David star in Judaism. The moon and/or the star are political (and not religious) symbols that had been introduced by the Ottoman empire.

Do Muslims and Islamics have the same religious symbol?

Nothing is called Islamics. Muslims are the followers of Islam religion. Neither Muslims nor Islam religion use religious symbol in the same sense as for example in Christianity where the cross is used.

What colour is the Islam symbol?

There is no Islam symbol, per Islam religion, to know its color. However, green color is the one used by prophet Muhammad (PBUH). refer to related question below.

What is a crescent moon with two stars and pi symbol?

It has nothing with Islam religion. It is not a religious symbol. It could be related to a flag of a country.