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Holden's ice skates in "The Catcher in the Rye" symbolize his desire to protect innocence and preserve childhood. As the catcher in the rye, he wants to prevent children from falling into the corrupt adult world, much like how ice skates can help someone glide smoothly and avoid slipping on ice. The ice skates also represent Holden's longing for stability and control in a chaotic world.

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Q: What is the symbolic meaning of Holden's ice skates in The Catcher in the Rye?
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What emotions do the new skates create in the catcher in the rye?

In "The Catcher in the Rye," the new skates evoke feelings of nostalgia and longing for childhood innocence and purity. They symbolize Holden's desire to protect young children from the complexities and hardships of the adult world. The skates represent a connection to his younger self and a yearning for a simpler time.

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Speed Skates have the longest blade.

Is ice skates one word or two words?

Two words, like figure skates, hockey skates, or roller skates .

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The speed skates have longer blades

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"(Roller) skates" is "scátaí rothacha"; the fish called 'skates' is 'sciataí'.

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Skates are a type of fish in the superorder of rays.I am looking for my ice skates.

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aggresive skates are made for more aggresie skating

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