

What is the symptoms of pku?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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some symptoms you can have with pku is babies can have brain damage which causes mental retardation another symptom is the baby can stunt its growth and your baby is most likely to stay small for life

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Q: What is the symptoms of pku?
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What happens if you have a unbalanced diet to PKU?

You can induce serious symptoms of PKU, esp behaviour and other mental problems.

Symptoms of phenylketonuria PKU may be minimized or suppressed by a diet low in?

a diet low in protein will help with the symptoms. protein contains phenylalanine, which is what a person with PKU cannot absorb. by cutting out the phenylalanine (phe), you eliminate the problem. most with PKU can only eat enough protein for proper development. other than that, nothing high in protein. i.e. fish, eggs, milk, etc.

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Typcially, onset of symptoms with HD is from the mid 30-s to 40's.

How are the cause and onset of symptoms of Huntington's disease different from those of PKU and Tay Sachs disease?

Typcially, onset of symptoms with HD is from the mid 30-s to 40's.

What are some behavioral symptoms of PKU?

People with PKU tend to avoid contact with others, appear anxious and show signs of depression. However, some patients may be much more expressive and tend to have hyperactive, talkative, and impulsive personalities

How are the cause and onset of symptoms of Huntington's disease different from those of PKU and Tay-Sacks disease?

PKU and T-S are generally diseases of children. In most cases, the symptoms of Huntington's appear gradually, usually starting after age 30. You can get more information on HD from the wesite for HDSA.

How does pku affect the patients physical emotional intellectual and social needs?

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disorder that is characterized by an inability of the body to utilize the essential amino acid, phenylalanine. Symptoms include irritability, nervous system function problems and decreased body growth.

What is the relationship between PKU and protein?

PKU is characterized by the inability to convert the amino acid phenylanine into the amino acid tyrosine. If dietary intake persists then symptoms as severe as brain damage could ensue. Amino acids ,like phenylanine and tyrosine, are the building blocks of protein.

What is the survival rate for PKU?


If both heterozygous parents are carriers of a recessive allele for phenylketonuria the probability that a given child of these parents will have PKU is?

Pp x Pp yields PP, Pp, Pp, pp. PP is the only genotype which will cause the phenotypic expression of the gene - symptoms of PKU. Therefore the probability is 1/4 or 25%

When was the first case of pku reported?

First case of PKU was reported in Munster Germany in 1964.

How does PKU impact protein synthesis?

PKU is a somatic genetic defect in an enzyme that metabolizes phenylalanine.