

Best Answer


"hireling, legionnaire, merc, professional soldier, slave, soldier of fortune, warrior"

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Q: What is the synonym for mercenary?
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What is a synonym for mercenary?

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What is a synonym for conquistadors?

Vanquisher, victor, winner, conqueror, traveler, explorer...thats all I can think of.

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A sentence with mercenary in it?

A mercenary is a soldier that fights for money

Is it general Tao or mercenary Tao?

Mercenary tao.

How do use the word mercenary in a sentence?

"The drug company was denounced as mercenary for seeking only to increase its profits." "The former Navy SEAL became a mercenary in central Africa."

When did Mercenary War happen?

Mercenary War happened in -240.

When did Zarlor Mercenary happen?

Zarlor Mercenary happened in 1990.

When was Zarlor Mercenary created?

Zarlor Mercenary was created in 1990.

When was The Last Mercenary created?

The Last Mercenary was created in 1968.

When was Schlock Mercenary created?

Schlock Mercenary was created in 2000.