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Q: What is the synonym for the word unperturbed in this sentence Even though Deion was about to give a speech to his entire class he was unperturbed?
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A synonym for monolog is soliloquy.

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Speech, conversation.

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Work is a verb in this sentence. Because it is in the form "will work", it is in the future tense.

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A synonym of monolog is soliloquy, which refers to a speech given by a character alone on stage in a play.

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"Entirely" is an adverb. It is used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs by expressing the idea of completely, wholly, or fully.

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"Turned" in the given sentence is a verb in its past tense. In this instance, "turned" is being used as a synonym for "became", and "rancid" is an "objective complement" of the "predicate adjective" type.

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"TTYL" is an abbreviation for an entire sentence: "[I will] talk to you later" with the "I will" being implied. If we diagram the sentence, the following become the different parts of speech. I = Subject Pronoun will talk = Future Tense Verb to you = Indirect Object Pronoun later = Adverb of Time

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a teacher or speech teacher

What is an example sentence for intently?

One example is - He intently listened to the speech. Another example is - The couple intently watched the entire DVD box set.