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Q: What is the synopsis of the tomato game?
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What is the plot synopsis of the game Conflict Vietnam?

The plot synopsis of the game Conflict Vietnam has to do with WWII. It has news clips and photographs from the era to improve your experience. This game is not suitable for young viewers.

When did Bill's Tomato Game happen?

Bill's Tomato Game happened in 1992.

When was Bill's Tomato Game created?

Bill's Tomato Game was created in 1992.

What is a video game synopsis?

A Video game synopsis is a brief overview of the storyline plot of the game itself. EX: rescue a princess, win a race, travel in time. Always hitting the record button. FVG

What soil is the best for tomato plants?

Tomato plants can only take up nutrients from the soil if the pH levels are correct. You will want to get it tested. The correct level should range between 6.0 and 6.8. The links below provide a good synopsis for tomato cultivation.

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The possessive form of "synopsis" is "synopsis's" or "synopsis'."

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What is the summary of the tomato game by NVM Gonzales?

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What is the plot summary of the tomato game?

"The Tomato Game" is a short story by Nvm Gonzales that revolves around a group of boys who engage in a game where they throw a ripe tomato at one another. The story explores themes of friendship, competition, and the transition from childhood to adolescence through the interactions of the boys during the game.