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Q: What is the system of duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods?
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What is duty draw back scheme?

Drawback is the refund of duties, taxes, and fees imposed on imported merchandise which is subsequently exported.

Imposed in 1767 by the British that it placed duties on imported goods such as tea and glass and paper and lead and paint?

Townshed Acts

What is a tariff and why do governments sometimes use them?

a tariff is a duty or duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods (a schedule of prices or taxes) they can restrict trade by causing the price of goods to rise making them more expensive and so less attractive to prospective buyers

How was the federal government funded before federal income tax?

Mainly duties (taxes on imported goods).

What is Imported duties?

Taxes that is added onto imported products

What are duties imposts and excises?

An indirect form of taxation based on the movement of a good across a border, e.g., import or export duty. SECOND ANSWER: A duty taxes imported, exported, manufactured, and the sale of goods.

Who was involved in the townshed act?

Charles Townshend, the English Parliament by Chancellor of Exchequer introduced the Townshend Act. It imposed duties on tea, paper, paints, lead and glass imported into colonies in 1767.

What did the Townshend Acts impose?

It was a way to collect new taxes, but it invaded privacy with the writs of assistance.

What government officials were housed in the Custom House?

Government officials in the Custom House were those who processed paperwork for goods coming in and out of the country. They also collected duties on imported goods.

What is Difference between moral duties and legal duties?

Ask a philosopher - bottom line is that a legal duty is imposed by a government while moral duty is based upon one's own definition of what is right

What are tariffs or custom duties?

these are taxes on imported goods

How did the Towshend duties differ from previous customs taxes?

The Townsend Duties, introduced by Charles Townsend in 1767, were different from previous customs taxes in two main ways. Firstly, they imposed duties on goods imported into the American colonies, including important items such as tea, glass, lead, and paper. Secondly, the revenue generated from these duties was intended to be used to pay the salaries of colonial governors and judges, which angered many colonists who saw it as a direct threat to their colonial autonomy.