

What is the system of elections in India?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the system of elections in India?
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What are elections in India?

Elections in India are of two types direct and indirect elections

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Paul Wallace has written: 'India's 2009 elections' -- subject(s): Elections, 2009, Politics and government, India, Elections, India. Parliament. Lok Sabha 'India's 2009 elections' -- subject(s): Elections, 2009, Politics and government, India, Elections, India. Parliament. Lok Sabha

Which Termonolgy is used in election in India?

The terminology used in election in India is by elections and local elections. The term originates in the United Kingdom general elections.

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India is a democracy; they have elections.

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Shiv Lal. has written: 'The she-Tughlaq of India' -- subject(s): Politics and government 'India polls 1996' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Elections 'A scheme for ideal elections and separation of powers for developing democracies' -- subject(s): Elections, Separation of powers 'Elections in India' -- subject(s): Elections 'Elections abroad in 1970's' -- subject(s): Elections 'Sectarian politics in India and Pakistan since 1857' -- subject(s): Politics and government

Is elections in India expensive?

Yes,INDIAN elections are very expensive.As INDIA is the largest democracy in the world each candidate spend a lot of money on campaigning and other process.As INDIA faces poverty as a big challenge the amount spend on elections are very huge.On each elections crores of rupees are spend.One of the way the to reduce the amount spend on elections is to make the elections online in developed cities

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