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There isn't one. In fairly recent elections that there has come to be an expectation that presidential candidates will do this, but it's not legally required.

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6mo ago

The tax disclosure requirement for a presidential candidate in the United States is currently not a legal mandate. However, it has become a norm for presidential candidates to release their tax returns as part of their transparency and accountability to the public. This practice has been followed by most candidates in recent decades, although there is no legal obligation to do so.

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Is it a U.S. policy for presidential candidates to disclose their tax returns?

It is more of a custom that all US Presidential Candidates disclose their tax returns. There is no written policy or requirement dictating that they must do so, but it goes a long way towards making them more trustworthy and transparency can gain many votes in the long run.

Is a donation to a political candidate tax deductible?

Not on your federal 1040 income tax return.

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Which presidential candidates are for a flat tax?

You're probably thinking of Mike Huckabee, he is for a flat tax on purchases. This would do away with income tax. Here is a link with more tax info:

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There is never an unnecessary disclosure of health info, if you will try to prevent it then you will not get the tax benefits, insurance utilizations and leaves from your organization.

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No, there is no requirement to have filed your tax returns in order to open an IRA.

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The only successful Prohibition Party candidate in the 21st century has been the tax assessor of Thompson Township in Pennsylvania.

What does partial amnesty means?

The IRS is encouraging taxpayers who have not filed tax returns, not reported all of their income on their tax returns and/or have taken frivolous tax deductions to participate in this Limited Time Voluntary Disclosure Program.It state that one must initiate participation in the Voluntary Disclosure Program before the IRS finds it out. This will allow one to avoid criminal prosecution and the assessment of significant IRS penalties.

Can the united kingdom force Guernsey to change laws on tax or disclosure?

No they can't. Although the Channel Islands are part of the UK - they are entirely self-governing, and cannot be forced to change their tax laws.

Are governor candidate campaign contributions tax deductible?

Political contribution are never tax deductible no matter who the contributions are made to and for which political party.

What control does the house ways and means committee exert over presidential requests or changes in tax laws?

The House Ways and Means Committee has significant control over presidential requests or changes in tax laws because it is responsible for writing tax legislation and overseeing the Internal Revenue Service. The committee plays a crucial role in shaping tax policy, reviewing and considering proposals from the president, and ultimately determining the final tax laws that are enacted.