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Q: What is the taxonomis level do the bush anole and ferret diverage?
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The blue whale and the ferret diverge from both being mammals

If your ferret bites a child what should you do?

Children are not responsible enough to have a ferret as a pet. The ferret needs to be trained to not bite people. There is lots of text on that subject here and on the internet (search for "ferret bite training"). You never hit or flick a ferret's nose for bad behavior. If the child is not old enough to know how to correctly stop a ferret from biting, He (or she) should not be in the presence in the same room as a ferret (or any other animal)

What type of anole threatened Florida's anoles?

Anoles as a group are not endangered, but several of the species are. There are a total of 361 currently recognized species (as of 2009). The IUCN redlist is the international body responsible for designating endangered species. As of 2009 they have only evaluated 38 species, 6 of which are considered threatened on some level (vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered).

What is an example of a second level consumer?

First of all, a second level consumer is a living thing that eats things that eat producers (plants, etc.). So, if a producer is grass, say, then the consumer would be sheep. Then, wolves eat sheep (or so they say). A wolf would then be a second level consumer because it eats thing that eat producers. Another example would be carnivorous fish. Mosquito fish eat duckweed, and bigger, carnivorous fish eat the mosquito fish. The big, carnivorous fish would be the second level consumer. A snake could be a second level consumer because it is a carnivore eating a herbivore. Herbivores are first level consumers. Cats, dogs, and humans can also be second level consumers.

What is the gestation for ferret?

The length of the Jill (female ferret) season is until she mates, otherwise if she will stays in heat and does not mate, she will eventually die.Female Ferret "Jills" are "seasonally polyestrous" which means they have multiple heat cycles, in spring and summer.The ferret is a photoreceptive breeder. Breeding season is triggered by photoperiod, the length of daylight hours, it's when there is more daylight than night or the ratio of daylight hours to night time hours to cause physical changes in their bodies. The Jill or females ferret, if not bred, will go into a prolonged heat, or estrus cycle that can last up to six months, causing high estrogen level that will result in a hormonally induced anemia that can be deadly. Ferret breeders can control a Jill's estrus periods by manipulating light cycles, breeding whenever she comes in heat, or artificially ending an estrus with injectable hormones.

What is the length of the estrous cycle for ferrets?

The length of the Jill (female ferret) season is until she mates, otherwise if she will stays in heat and does not mate, she will eventually die.Female Ferret "Jills" are "seasonally polyestrous" which means they have multiple heat cycles, in spring and summer.The ferret is a photoreceptive breeder. Breeding season is triggered by photoperiod, the length of daylight hours, it's when there is more daylight than night or the ratio of daylight hours to night time hours to cause physical changes in their bodies. The Jill or females ferret, if not bred, will go into a prolonged heat, or estrus cycle that can last up to six months, causing high estrogen level that will result in a hormonally induced anemia that can be deadly. Ferret breeders can control a Jill's estrus periods by manipulating light cycles, breeding whenever she comes in heat, or artificially ending an estrus with injectable hormones.

What do you do with ferrets on RuneScape?

A Ferret is an animal that can be hunted with a box trap in the Piscatoris Hunter area, which can in turn be used to hunt rabbits in the same area.Note: The Eagles' Peak quest and a Hunter level of 27 is required to hunt ferrets.

How do you stop your ferret putting on weight?

Leaving a ferret in it's cage to much, out of boredom will eat more, and it's not able to get exercise.Due to seasonal changes in ferrets is the loss or gain of about 30-40 percent body weight, especially males. In the winter causes the fur grows thick, they gain weight and in spring these changes reverse, not all ferrets gain and lose so much, and more subtle changes may go unnoticed.Intestinal obstruction or blockage in the stomach is a common cause of premature death in ferrets. Many ferrets like to chew on soft rubber, foam rubber, sponges, rubber bands, pencil erasers and other small items and can become lodged in the intestines. Also grain-based foods (breads, cakes, cookies, cereals, noodles, etc.), nuts, or fibrous fruits and vegetables are indigestible to ferrets (lack a cecum) and can result in digestive problems, including blockages. Unless surgery is performed immediately to remove the obstruction or blockage, it will cause an agonizing, slow death.If your ferret appears bloated, loss of appetite, abnormal bowel movements, or exhibiting any abnormal behavoirs, it could be an intestinal blockage and be a medical emergency and need immediate veterinarian care.

How do you learn the basic skills to be a veterinarian?

You go to vet school, a graduate-level college program that teaches both the knowledge and the skills required to work as a veterinarian. This includes everything from how to walk a horse to performing a physical exam of a dog to interpreting the radiographs (X-rays) of a ferret.

I have two ferrets that I am planning on selling to a friend with cage but i don't know what price to ask?

Well that depends a lot on where you live. In Oregon they are running about 100.00 - 120.00 for kits (babies). If the ferret is younger than 2 yrs I'd 60.00 (unless you have put in extensive $ into vets and shots etc). It also depends on the markings/colorzperiodz Your best bet is to check your local pet shop and see their prices, and then probably mark down 30-50% from that. Any ferret over 3 is hard to adopt out unless you're selling to a ferret advocate. The cage? What does it look like? If it's used a lot then probably just throw it in. If its new? 1/2 price new. Also keep in mind is it one level or multi level? Multi's go for a lot more. Assuming you have the standard 'rabbit style' cage and 2 ferrets (at a younger age) total I'd say between $120 - 150. To get a better idea though you REALLY need to post more info. any family pet/member it's so hard on them to get rehomed....please be careful who you sell too and make sure THEY have done their homework on just how much work a ferret really is. It is kinder in the long run to your carpet sharks!

What age do ferrets die?

Average life-span of a domestic ferret - How long does a ferret liveAccording to Marshall Farms, the largest breeder of ferrets in the U S, the domestic ferret average life span is 5 to 8 yearswhen properly cared for.To maintain a ferrets life it's important to have a quiet and dark sleeping space with without noises or interruptions, they sleep an average of 15 hours (more or less). A good quality ferret food is very important, and not all ferrets foods are that good of quality. Marshall farm ferrets are more prone to illness and disease early in life, thought to be caused by genetics - inbreeding, and early neutering. But with proper care (meaning educate yourself and read everything you can about ferrets) they can live longer (My ferret Abby is a white albino female that weights about 1 lb and she's 9 years old)From other contributors:ferrets in the UK live till they are between 8 and 10 years.a ferret aged 5 years would not be considered old in the UKGenerally, ferrets live for 7-9 years.The average lifespan of a ferret is normally 8 to 10 years, although well cared for ferrets have been known to live for up to 12 years, and others die at the age of 4 to 6 for no apparent reason other than old age.some ferrets have lived for as long as 15 years it all depends on there health most live till 10 years of ageThey can live anywhere from 5-8 years. All depending on their health and care.The average lifespan for a ferret is 6 to 8 years. Although my last ferret lived to be 11 years old. But not without the sad effects of blindness, hair loss and other ailments. Though he did live a happy and playful life to the very end.They can live to be 6 to 10 to even 15 years old. That is if they're healthy and cared for very well.They live 6 to 10 years. Sometimes, they live even longer.Anywhere from 6-10 years can be considered normal. However, some ferrets can live up to 10 years if you take good care of them.The oldest lived to be 15 or 16.From 6 to 8 years.Anywhere from 5 to 13 years, depending on where you got your ferret (pet store or breeder), how the ferret is cared for, and general luck. Feeding a good diet and ensuring they don't ingest objects they shouldn't are essential to the longevity of a pet ferret. Ferrets bought in a pet store, especially in America, are said to have shorter lifespans due to genetic issues. Do not feed a ferret anything but meat-based products, proper vitamins (Ferretone, only in small amounts), and water. They should never, ever have anything with a lot of sugar or dairy. Sugar is linked to pancreatic cancer (insulinoma, an all-too-common killer) and ferrets are lactose intolerant.