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Q: What is the technical name for the small pressure receptor charge in a gun?
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Which of the following processes allows cells to concentrate material that is present only in very small amounts in the extracellular fluid?

Receptor-mediated endocytosis.It is the mechanism that allows cells to concentrate material that is present only in very small amounts into the extracellular fluid.

What do pacinian corpuscles detect?

They are mechanoreceptors that detect pressure, and are found in the skin and also in joints and tendons. Naked nerve endings lie in the centre of the corpuscle surrounded by concentric layers of connective tissue separated by viscous gel (looks a little bit like an onion!).Mechanical stimuli are converted into electrical impulses as follows:Transduction occurs - the production of a small receptor potential of about 1mV across the receptor membrane when pressure is applied.The receptor potential is produced by deformation of the receptor membrane, which interferes with ion channels embedded in the membrane and causes leaks, allowing an influx of sodium ions.A generator potential is produced and an impulse is generated at the first node of ranvier. Electrical impulses are transmitted along the neurone.The presence of gel-filled lamellae in the Pacinian corpuscles provides a mechanical filter of the stimulus. If pressure is applied rapidly the membrane of the corpuscle is deformed for a few milliseconds until the gel flows and the membrane resumes its normal shape. If pressure is applied slowly the gel flows away from the stimulus so the membrane is not deformed, and no receptor potential is generated. The greater the pressure applied to the corpuscle, the greater the receptor potential. Once the pressure reaches a critical size (te threshold) an action potential is triggered.

What includes phagocytosis pinocytosis and a receptor mediated form?

Endocytosis includes phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Phagocytosis is the process by which cells engulf large particles or pathogens, pinocytosis is the engulfing of fluids or small particles, and receptor-mediated endocytosis involves the uptake of specific molecules bound to receptors on the cell surface.

What site regulates what goes down in and out of the cell?

There is no "site". Import and export of molecules is regulated by receptor proteins and the concentrations of these proteins. Concentration gradient is also important for small molecules.

What are nerve cells that detect conditions of the body's environment?

They are called "sense cells" and communicate information mainly to the brain, but sometimes to the autonomic nervous system. They include cells for seeing (optic), hearing (auditory), taste (gustatory), small (olfactory), and touch (tactile) - tactile cells detect heat, pressure, and injury (pain).

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Which of the following processes allows cells to concentrate material that is present only in very small amounts in the extracellular fluid?

Receptor-mediated endocytosis.It is the mechanism that allows cells to concentrate material that is present only in very small amounts into the extracellular fluid.

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Derek John Campbell has written: 'Small technical libraries' -- subject(s): Small libraries, Technical libraries

What do pacinian corpuscles detect?

They are mechanoreceptors that detect pressure, and are found in the skin and also in joints and tendons. Naked nerve endings lie in the centre of the corpuscle surrounded by concentric layers of connective tissue separated by viscous gel (looks a little bit like an onion!).Mechanical stimuli are converted into electrical impulses as follows:Transduction occurs - the production of a small receptor potential of about 1mV across the receptor membrane when pressure is applied.The receptor potential is produced by deformation of the receptor membrane, which interferes with ion channels embedded in the membrane and causes leaks, allowing an influx of sodium ions.A generator potential is produced and an impulse is generated at the first node of ranvier. Electrical impulses are transmitted along the neurone.The presence of gel-filled lamellae in the Pacinian corpuscles provides a mechanical filter of the stimulus. If pressure is applied rapidly the membrane of the corpuscle is deformed for a few milliseconds until the gel flows and the membrane resumes its normal shape. If pressure is applied slowly the gel flows away from the stimulus so the membrane is not deformed, and no receptor potential is generated. The greater the pressure applied to the corpuscle, the greater the receptor potential. Once the pressure reaches a critical size (te threshold) an action potential is triggered.

Why do quartz crystals rotate over my hand?

Quartz crystals exhibit piezoelectric properties, which means they generate an electric charge when pressure is applied. When you rub or rotate a quartz crystal over your hand, this pressure causes the crystal to create a small electric charge, leading to a rotational movement due to the interaction between the electric charge and the molecules in your hand.

What is a small parachute called?

a small parachute, is a small parachute, ther is no technical name for it. :) a small parachute is called a drogue

Heraldic charge in the form of a small ring?

The heraldic charge in the shape of a small ring is an annulet.

What includes phagocytosis pinocytosis and a receptor mediated form?

Endocytosis includes phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Phagocytosis is the process by which cells engulf large particles or pathogens, pinocytosis is the engulfing of fluids or small particles, and receptor-mediated endocytosis involves the uptake of specific molecules bound to receptors on the cell surface.

What is micro manometer pressure?

A manometer is a pressure gauge. A micro manometer is either a really small pressure gauge, or a pressure gauge used to measure really small pressure difference.

What happens to the air when the air pressure differences are small?

When pressure differences are small you get light winds.

What is the commonly name for the small of the back?

The common name is the small of the back. The technical term is the Lumbar Lordosis.

How do you charge freon in a 2002 Chevrolet impalla?

Charged on the low side service port. If you connect a small can of Freon to the high side with the system on, the can may explode from the high pressure introduced into it.....