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Q: What is the temperate rain forest mountainous or flat?
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Giant pandas live in the temperate mountainous bamboo forests of central China.

What is the name temperate forest or temperate rain forest?

temprate rainforest

What is the temperate in the rain forest?


Why is a temperature rainforest different than a tropical rainforest?

I believe you mean ''temperate''... ? A temperate rain forest is a rain forest in a cooler climate compared to a rainforest in the tropics (near the equator). I believe the only temperate rain forest (or only rain forest for that matter) is the Hoh Rain Forest in Washington, USA. hope that helps

Second to the rain forest which biome gets the most amount of rain?

The temperate deciduous forest has the most rain besides the rainforest!

How are tropical and temperate forest different?

temperate forest have more seasonal changes (apex) (2021)

What biome has more biological species than anywhere else in the world?

it will be either a temperate deciduous forest, grassland, tropical rain forest, or a temperate rain forest.

What do people wear in Temperate forest?

to survive in the temperate rain forest you need to wear a bathing suit

What temperate rain forest is in the US?


What forest is dominated with trees with needlelike leaves?

temperate rain forest

How do temperate rain forest different from tropical rain forest?

Temperate rain forests are usually coastal and have cooler summers and milder winters than Tropical rain forests. Also Temperate rain forests have summer fogs that keep it moist. temperate rain forests also have lots of moss and consists of Deciduous trees.