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10 million degrees F.

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Q: What is the temperatue of the core of the sun?
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Related questions

How does the temperatue of a planet vary with distance from the Sun?

The closer they are, the warmer the planet. Venus is an exception due to the greenhouse effect.

Where is the Sun's core?

The core just means the centre. Therefore, the core of the Sun is in the centre of the Sun.

Is the Sun's core its hottest point?

the sun's core is the hottest part of the sun

What is the site of nuclear fusion on the sun?

If you are asking where does solar nuclear fusion take place, then that would be at the core of stars.

How hot is the core of the sun in kelvin?

The core of the sun is about 15 million Kelvin.

Where is the sun's energy produced?

The Sun's energy is produced in the Sun's core.

Does the sun and the earth have a hydrogen core?

There's hydrogen at the core of the sun - that's the sun's main fuel - but earth's core is mostly iron and nickel.

What is the hottest point on the sun?

the core. the core.

Where does the sun's nuclear fusion occur?

Near the core (center).Near the core (center).Near the core (center).Near the core (center).

What is the core of the sun made out of?

The core of the sun is made up of very dense and very hot gases that are in the plasmic state. The core is considered to be the hottest part of the sun and the hottest area within the entire solar system.

Is the inner core hotter than the sun core?

No it is not, however it is similar to that of the sun's surface

What is the sun devided into?

The Sun is divided into several layers including the core, radiative zone, convective zone, and the atmosphere (photosphere, chromosphere, and corona). Each layer plays a key role in the Sun's structure and energy production processes.