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The core of the sun is about 15 million Kelvin.

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Q: How hot is the core of the sun in kelvin?
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How hot is the sun's center?

The temperature is sun's core is about 157,000,000 kelvin or 282,599,540 Fahrenheit

How hot is the outer part of sun?

I beleive it is 5,788 degrees Kelvin on the surface The inner core exeeds 5 million degrees Kelvin

Which is a feature of the sun that can reach 100 million k?

None. The Sun's core is somewhere around 15 million Kelvin; the Sun's Corona can get quite hot - perhaps a million Kelvin, despite the fact that the lower layers are much cooler. But I don't think any part of the Sun reaches 100 million Kelvin.None. The Sun's core is somewhere around 15 million Kelvin; the Sun's Corona can get quite hot - perhaps a million Kelvin, despite the fact that the lower layers are much cooler. But I don't think any part of the Sun reaches 100 million Kelvin.None. The Sun's core is somewhere around 15 million Kelvin; the Sun's Corona can get quite hot - perhaps a million Kelvin, despite the fact that the lower layers are much cooler. But I don't think any part of the Sun reaches 100 million Kelvin.None. The Sun's core is somewhere around 15 million Kelvin; the Sun's Corona can get quite hot - perhaps a million Kelvin, despite the fact that the lower layers are much cooler. But I don't think any part of the Sun reaches 100 million Kelvin.

Is the sun hot from the center?

Yes it has a core temperature of 157,000,000 Kelvin. That's 282,599,540 degrees fahrenheit! The heat does indeed come from the center of the sun by a fusion reaction of hydrogen.

How many degrees kelvin is the sun's core?

50000000000 kalvin

How hot is the crust of the sun?

The temperature of the Sun's core is estimated to be about ~15.7×106 Kelvin (16 million degrees Centigrade or 28 million degrees Fahrenheit)

What has the sun located at its approximate center?

The core of the Sun is considered to extend from the center to about 0.2 to 0.25 solar radius. It is the hottest part of the Sun and of the Solar System. It has a density of up to 150,000 kg/m³ (150 times the density of liquid water) and a temperature of close to 15,000,000 kelvin (by contrast, the surface of the Sun is close to 6,000 kelvin). The core is made of hot, dense gas in the plasmic state. The core, inside 0.24 solar radius, generates 99% of the fusion power of the Sun.

What is the highest temperature on the sun?

The highest temperature of the Sun is in it's core, where temperatures are about 15.7×106 Kelvin

What is happening inside the sun that allows us to see it?

Inside the Sun - in the core - energy is produced. This keeps the Sun hot, producing the radiation which we see.Inside the Sun - in the core - energy is produced. This keeps the Sun hot, producing the radiation which we see.Inside the Sun - in the core - energy is produced. This keeps the Sun hot, producing the radiation which we see.Inside the Sun - in the core - energy is produced. This keeps the Sun hot, producing the radiation which we see.

When does fusion begin?

When the core of the Sun/Star reaches about 10 million degrees Kelvin.

How hot is the sun at day how hot is the sun at night?

The temperature of the sun doesnt change because it is day or night (on earth)

What are the temperature ranges of the sun?

Its surface temperature is approximately 5778 Kelvin (5505 °C), while its core is in the region of 14 million Kelvin.