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The Temperature Is - 455 Degrees Fahrenheit. That's 357 Degrees Less Than YOUR Body Temperature.

Edit: It obviously depends where you measure it. Stars are hot, space is usually cold. It's hard to get an average that means much.

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Q: What is the temperature for the milky way?
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Does the Milky Way have a temperature?

Yes, it does.

What is the temperature of Milky Way?

The Milky Way is a large galaxy. It has varying temperatures all through the galaxy. Earth is part of the Milky Way. Consider all the different temperatures on Earth.

Minimum temperature of The Milky Way?

Probably just under 40K.

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There no milky way in sky there is only milky way galaxy

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The Milky Way galaxy is.... called the Milky Way Galaxy

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The ambient temperature of 3 Kelvin and you can't get any cooler than that.

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The galaxy that contains Earth and the rest of the Solar system is the Milky Way galaxy.

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We all live in the same Universe.

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Zero. We are in it

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