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A glacier is ice, which melts just above 0 Celsius or 32 Fahrenheit.

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Q: What is the temperature necessary for a glacier to melt?
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Why glacier do not melt and an ice cube melt quickly?

Ice cube melts but the glacier does not melt because depending upon the temperature of the surrounding. When an ice cube is taken out of the refrigerator, there is a sudden change in the temperature of the surrounding as it (temperature) increases so the ice cube depending upon the temperate of the surroundings melts earlier. According to the latent heat of fusion, it will first melt completely to become liquid and then its temperature will increase to reach a state of thermal equilibrium e of the room temperature. In case of a glacier, the temperature of its surroundings is less so a glacier does not melt like ice cube.

How do the glacier move?

They melt and then slide

How does a continental glacier form?

Snow along a broad plateau does not melt, but compacts into a glacier.

Did a glacier melt in the great canyon?

no the Colorado river eroded out the grand canyon not a glacier

What is the Relationship between temperature and glacier size?

Temperature influences glacier size.

Why do glaciers melt?

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What the difference in temperature between magma and the sun?

The surface of the Sun is about 5,000 oC hotter than the temperature necessary to melt rock.

What causes a glacier to begin to melt?


What is a glacial melt?

The water melting from a glacier is called the glacier melt. This water often supplies the water for some of the great rivers of the world, like the Ganges and the Yangtsee.

When new snow is added to a glacier faster than ice and snow melt does the glacier get larger or smaller?


How can humans melt glacier?

this science project sucks omg

What conditions are necessary for glacier to form?

Cold wet conditions for a glacier to form