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Q: What is the temperature of ice cold tea?
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Related questions

What is mean by ice cold water?

Ice is cold, right? So the term 'ice cold water' is just comparing the temperature of the water to the temperature of the ice.

Is tea heather hot or cold?

Tea may be had both as a hot beverage or a cold one. Depends a lot on the type of teas. not all tea may be had as cold tea/ice tea

What does hot tea mean?

Tea can be served two ways, cold with ice, called ice tea or hot like coffee, called hot tea.

What temperature is fresh tea?

Tea should be made at around 115 degrees F. White tea is best served a little cooler at 100 degrees F.

How does ice temperature affect ice skating?

because ice is cold so it whares off and the ice skaters sometimes get cold

Which has more caffeine ice tea or hot tea?

The temperature of the tea doesn't make a difference, it's the type of tea that changes the caffeine content.

Do the health benefits of green tea differ depending on whether you drink it cold or hot?

No. If the tea is prepared from a teabag in cold water, the tea will be weaker than hot tea, and this could result in fewer health benefits as you'd be consuming less tea. However, if the tea is of equal strengths, drinking it hot or cold shouldn't make any difference.

How do you make hot tea cold?

you have to put ice cubes in a strainer and it will cool

When the temperature increases molecules are in constant motions when?

sugar dissolves faster in hot tea than in cold tea

Why does hot tea dissolves easier and faster than cold tea?

Because the solubility increase when the temperature is increasing.

Why is there ice on Uranus' surface?

Because of the planets extremely cold temperature. The "ice" is frozen methane ice.

when water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of ice tea this is an example of ____?
