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Different enzymes are most efficient at different temperatures, these are called 'the optimum temperature'. A temperature far lower than this will cause the rate of reaction to slow until barely noticable. A temperatuere far higher than this will cause the shape of the enzyme to change and the enzyme will become denatured.

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Q: What is the temperature that promotes enzymatic action?
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What temperature promotes enzymatic action?


What promotes enzymatic action?


Does enzymatic action in a chemical reaction result in an increase in temperature?

Yes it can, but more commonly an increase in temperature increases enzymatic action.

Enzymatic reactions can be controlled by?

pH. salinity. temperature. hormones.

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Temperature does affect enzymatic function - temperature affects the "active site" of the enzyme and so the substrate cannot bind to it anymore (process is called denaturation)

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If it's hot enough, then various proteins are denatured (broken down) - even before then the efficiency of the enzymatic action of proteins is often temperature dependent.

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temperature and pH

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pH and temperature

Do peroxisomes function to digest particles ingested by endocytosis?

no they are able to detoxify substances by enzymatic action

Which of the following digestive functions can occur in the mouth A Enzymatic action on protein B Absorption of water C Enzymatic action on carbohydrates D Secretion of bile?

C. Your mouth contains the enzyme amylase, which will breakdown starches (carbohydrates). (Web and Textbook sources).

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1) Temperature 2)pH

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