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Wiki answer. I want the temperature under the sun and it should be in degree celcius for example 50 `C.

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Q: What is the temperature under sun in degree Celsius?
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What is the temperature in the sun?

The sun is 6000 degree Celsius

The sun temperature at core?

its 15000000 degree celsius

What is the temperature of side of the moon which faces sun?

135 degree celsius

Is the sun a veryvery hot stars?

Yes The Sun is very hot. Its temperature is more than 50036 Degree Celsius

What are the temperature of the sun?

The temperature of sun in its core is 16,00,00,00 Celsius & 55,00 Celsius at surface.

What is the Celsius temperature of sun?

The temperature at the surface of the sun is about 10,000Fahrenheit (5,600 Celsius). The temperature rises from the surface of the sun inward towards the very hot center of the sun where it reaches about 27,000,000 Fahrenheit (15,000,000 Celsius)

How much degree is the sun?

The sun is is 5600 Celsius

What is the maximum temperature on the sun?

It is absolutely impossible to exactly calculate the maximum temperature in SUN. But based on its surface area and the quantum of Hydrogen it can hold, it is estimated that at the core the temperature will be of the order of 1.4 million degree Celsius

What is the distance from earth to the sun in Celsius?

Celsius is a measure of temperature, not distance.

What is the temerature of the surface of the sun?

300000 degree Celsius

What is the lowest temperature on the sun?

the lowest temperature is 5,000 degrees Celsius

How hot is the third layer of the sun?

The temperature of the sun is the coolest on the surface at 6000 degrees C or 10882 degrees F. In the middle layer of the sun, the temperature is 1,500,000 degrees C or 2,700,032 degrees F. In the center or core of the sun the temperature is 15,000,000 degrees C or 27,000,000 degrees F. Sunspots on the surface have an average temperature of 4,000 degrees C or 7,000 degrees F.