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Q: What is the term for biological inheritance?
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They have the same inheritance rights.

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What are the biological factors in human development?

Inheritance and maturation

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What are your inheritance rights as an adopted child?

A legally adopted child has all the rights of a biological child for purposes of inheritance under the state laws of inheritance and intestacy.

Which gene produces albino?

biological inheritance of genetically recessive alleles (genes)

Who invented the three laws of biological inheritance?

There is no known "inventor" of the laws of biological inheritance, like other laws of nature, they were discovered. Mendel is the person you are most likely looking for. For more information, look up Mendelian Laws of Inheritance.

What is the biological term for RNA synthesis?

Transcription is the biological term for RNA synthesis.

When the father passes away and he has adult biological and adopted kids who has the most rights to the fathers' estate?

Generally, biological and legally adopted children have equal rights of inheritance in most jurisdictions. You can check the law in your state at the related question link.Generally, biological and legally adopted children have equal rights of inheritance in most jurisdictions. You can check the law in your state at the related question link.Generally, biological and legally adopted children have equal rights of inheritance in most jurisdictions. You can check the law in your state at the related question link.Generally, biological and legally adopted children have equal rights of inheritance in most jurisdictions. You can check the law in your state at the related question link.

What is the biological term for an air sac?

The biological term for an air sac is alveolus. The plural is alveoli.

Relative importance of biological inheritance and environmental factors in human development?

Both biological inheritance and environmental factors play significant roles in human development. While biological inheritance determines traits like eye color and height, environmental factors such as upbringing, education, and experiences shape personality, behavior, and cognitive abilities. The interaction between nature and nurture is complex and influences different aspects of development in unique ways.

The study of biological inheritance?
