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Q: What is the term given to those organisms living in the pelagic zone that can swim?
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Aristotle classified living organisms by dividing them into two groups; those with red blood and those without. brug

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those organisms which contain chlorophyll can use photosynthesis

Why is homeostaisis required by many organisms?

Homeostasis is required by many organisms because it is the ability to adapt to its enviornment. Not all organisms need homeostasis because not all organisms "TRAVEL" through different enviornments, so there is no need to adapt. ALSO One of the classifications of living things is the ability to adapt to an enviornments surroundings. Many organisms are living and this is required of those living organisms.

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Living fossil is the nickname given to organisms whose traces appear in the fossil layers from early geological periods, of which living specimens are still found today. These living things exhibit no differences from their counterparts from millions of years ago, and represent living examples of those long-dead fossil forms.

What does the moving water have in it?

Marine life and oxygen for those organisms to survive ! And sediments, which are none living !

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Taxonomy is the science that finds patterns of living things, and classifies organisms according to those patterns.

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How are the lives of one-celled organisms like those of multicellular organisms?

they all reproduce, eat, excrete etc i.e. they all have the characteristics of living things

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Cell, tissue, organ, organ system Cell, tissue, organ, organ system The various levels of organization are: Cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organisms

What living thing does not need oxygen to live?

Anaerobic organisms do not require oxygen to survive. On earth, those organisms are limited to many types of bacteria and obligate anaerobes.

What is marine benthic?

Those marine ecosystems consisting of organisms living on, attached to, or burrowing in the sediment of the ocean floor

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