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It's called a straw purchase, but it applies to the purchase of a firearm for any other person, even if the person isn't a felon, with only a couple of exceptions, such as husband/wife.

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Q: What is the term that a person that don't have a criminal record purchases a firearm for a person with a felon?
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Criminal offenses do not go away.

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A person with a criminal record

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If your husband is a state jail felon - can you own a firearm in Texas?

Yes, as long as he is not living with the wife. One person's criminal record has no legal consequences for that of another person not residing with them, regardless of their relationship to that person. Since it is illegal in Texas for a convicted felon to be in close proximity to a firearm, the husband would be in violation of the law for residing in a home that contained firearms.

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If the record is valid it cannot be expunged, it is a permanent part of the person's criminal history.

Can you live and work in Australia with a criminal record that resulted in a suspended sentence?

Yes, a person can live and work in Australia with a criminal record. However, it may not be easy finding housing that will accept someone with a criminal record, or it may cost the person more money.

Can you still travel with a criminal record for trespassing?

Yes, a person can still travel in the US even with a criminal record for trespassing. However, some countries may not permit entry with any type of criminal record.

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Purchases journal is used to record purchases on account while Cash payment journal is used to record purchases for cash and cash payments.

What disqualifies a person from becoming a Magistrate in England?

A criminal record !