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Q: What is the term that describes the methodology by which the CPU begins running a new instruction before it finishes with the current instruction?
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What does Microprocessor does when it encounters an non maskable interrupt?

Finishes the current executing instruction and then serves the interrupt.

How does the CPU keep track of which instruction to execute next?

The instruction register holds a pointer to the current instruction (in working memory) while the next instruction register points to the next instruction (the first instruction immediately after the current instruction's operands). If the current instruction is a jump instruction, it can change the next instruction register, allowing the program to branch to a new instruction once the jump instruction is processed. The next instruction pointer is automatically moved into the current instruction register once the current instruction has been processed. The entire process of executing an instruction is known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle.

When interrupt occurs where is the address following the current instruction stored?

When an interrupt occurs, the address following the current instruction is stored on the stack.

What is the function of instruction register?

The Instruction Register (IR) stores the instruction currently being executed. In simple processors each instruction to be executed is loaded into the instruction register which holds it while it is decoded, prepared and ultimately executed.

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The Hard Drive is the main storage unit in a normal, desktop computer. This is the only internal component in a standard computer that has information when the machine is turned off (all your saved files, the operating system (such as Windows), etc). There are other components (such as RAM, or Random Access Memory) that store data, but this usually serves a special purpose, or is only at run-time.

What describes the direction of the electric current in Alternating Current?

It alternates.

On traditional IBM mainframe what PSW is a special register that holds the address of the nest instruction to be executed?

Yes, the "Current PSW" contains machine state and next instruction address. It is a 64 bit register, and bits 33-63 (AMODE=31) or bits 40-63 (AMODE=24) contain the address of the next instruction to be executed. Certain "restartable" instructions, while in flight, will maintain the current instruction address until the sequence is complete, and certain exceptions, "early exceptions", will contain the current instruction address but, in general, the PSW (33-63) contains the address of the next instruction to execute.

Which register in 8086 contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched?

program counter holds the address of the next instruction.

What is the consists in the Instruction register?

The Instruction Register contains the current instruction being executed. It is an internal, special register, and you can not do anything explicit with it. If you are referring to the Program Counter, that simply contains the address of the next instruction to execute. It is incremented for each opcode and operand byte fetched.

Classical fencing in the Netherlands?

There are no current official places of instruction in classical fencing in the Netherlands.

How program instructions transfer in and out of memory?

The instructions have to remain in memory at all times while the program is running. They get there by loading the entire program into memory. The CPU's instruction registers keep track of the current instruction and the next instruction.

What statements describes the result of reversing the current in a current-carrying in a magnetic field?

When the current is reverted, the magnetic field will also be reverted.