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Q: What is the term that is used to sort patients according to urgency?
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The term used is :urgency:

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The word urgency means to be of pressing importance. The term urgency means the same as desperation, pressure, necessity, seriousness, insistence, and imminence.

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well, I'm thinking that it means where you live in really fancy term' a condo. Do you own a home. that sort of thing.

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Long-term aftercare for patients with testicular cancer includes frequent checkups in addition to radiation treatment or chemotherapy. Patients with prostate cancer may be given various hormonal therapies or radiation treatment.

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According to my science teacher, protozoa translates into "first animal" in Latin. This is because most of life on this planet evolved from some sort of protozoan.

What means the medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority of need for treatment?

The term "triage" refers to the process for prioritizing patient treatment when there are limited treatment personnel and facilities (as in a major accident or disaster). Patients are assigned a degree of urgency to decide which are treated first. In some cases, triage means that some critically ill or injured may be given only palliative care because their survival chance is minimal even with the most immediate and aggressive treatment available.

Medical term for urgency dysuria nocturia hematuria or fishy odor to urine high fever chills flank pain fatigue?

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