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Oxygen deficiency means that the organ and tissue cells can no longer sufficiently fulfill their functional roles because they don't have an adequate supply of oxygen. This undersupply can have various causes: Disruption in blood flow

The blood vessels can become so clogged or narrow that the blood can no longer get its oxygen load to the cells of the body. Pulmonary disease

In all cases of pulmonary disease, ventilation of the lungs is restricted, for example, by Asthma, chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema. The air flow is restricted at the same time by increased mucous production in the airways or by inflammation-related swelling of the mucous membranes. Pneumonia, lung tumors and anatomic chest deformities reduce or impair lung ventilation. The membrane walls of the pulmonary alveoli can also thicken or become clogged with secretions. In this case, enough oxygen can enter the alveoli, but the diseased alveoli are unable to load oxygen onto the blood flowing by them. Examples of such diseases are pulmonary edema (fluid collects in the lungs), pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis. Heart disease

The heart can also be the cause of oxygen deficiency. Valvular defects, heart attacks and weak heart muscles are all terms we're familiar with. What they have in common is a weakness or reduced performance of the heart muscle that results in a decrease in blood-oxygen transport. So-called "short circuits" can also occur in the heart. In this case, oxygen-poor blood that should be transported to the lungs mixes with oxygen-rich blood. Again, oxygen deficiency is the result. Organic consequences

Pulmonary illness as well as Heart disease, therefore, can lead to an inadequate supply of oxygen to the organism. Frequently, pathological changes in the heart occur due to disturbances in the pulmonary region and vice versa. Both organic systems are dependent on each other. An important example of this is the pathological enlargement and simultaneous pumping weakness of the right side of the heart, the cor pulmonale, which can develop as the result of a lung disease.

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It is referred to as "hypoxemia".

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Q: What is oxygen deficient blood?
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What is the medical term meaning condition of deficient oxygen in tissues?

The condition of deficient oxygen is hypoxia, and the condition of no oxygen is anoxia. Blood cells are aerobic so they need oxygen to survive. If you have below normal oxygen levels, you're not providing your blood with its fuel; you're basically starving your blood cells. Blood delivers oxygen to your tissues before returning to your lungs to fill up again. So if your blood isn't getting enough oxygen, neither will any other part of your body.

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The person on such a diet may become anaemic and fail to make the red pigment in the blood (haemoglobin) that carries the Oxygen in the blood. As such the person's body would become starved of Oxygen as the blood could not carry it round the body.

Is gas exchange in the arteries?

Yes. When ever the arteries take oxygen rich blood to your muscles, the muscles take the oxygen out to use it to create energy. The oxygen deficient blood is taking back to the heart through the veins, then taken back to the lungs to extract oxygen again

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The person on such a diet may become anaemic and fail to make the red pigment in the blood (haemoglobin) that carries the Oxygen in the blood. As such the person's body would become starved of Oxygen as the blood could not carry it round the body.

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An oxygen deficient atmosphere is one that lacks a sufficient amount of oxygen to support human or animal life. It can occur in environments where oxygen is depleted, such as in confined spaces or areas with high levels of carbon dioxide, gases, or chemicals that displace oxygen. Breathing in an oxygen deficient atmosphere can lead to suffocation or loss of consciousness.

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A person with low hemoglobin may feel dizzy because his blood doesn't have enough oxygen-carrying capacity. The brain requires large amounts of oxygen, and may be the first organ to notice a deficiency.

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Deficient blood supply means not enough blood; this happens if there is a problem with the circulation, which could be caused by a blood clot inside a blood vessle, or pressure on a vessle, or a severed blood vessle, or arteriosclerosis.