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Q: What is the term used for the primary human sex organs?
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Should humans use other animals for there organ transplants?

Generally they're not used, since animal organs are not similar to human organs, so are not suitable for maintaining function within the human body. In very rare circumstances they are used to try and bridge a gap until a human organ becomes available. They are never used as a long term solution (because they do not work long term). Whether they should be used or not is practically irrelevant, since they cannot be used as a long term solution.

What is the most common animal organ to be transplanted?

Animal to human transplantation (or "xenotransplantation") is nowhere near as common as some people seem to believe. Generally animal organs are not used since animal organs are not similar to human organs and do not maintain function within the human body. In exceptionally rare circumstances they are used to try and bridge a gap of a few days, until a human organ becomes available. They are never used as a long term solution (because they do not work long term). In these cases, the organ is best "attached" outside the body of the recipient to avoid unnecessary side-effects from the non-human donor. Whether they should be used or not is practically irrelevant, since they cannot be used as a long term solution. Sometimes heart valves from pigs and cows are used in human transplantation, however these do not count as "organs", even if they do occur fairly frequently.

What are sence organs?

Sense organs are the organs used when human senses are used. These organs include eyes, ears, the tongue, the nose, and fingers.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using animals as organ donors for humans should humans ues other animals for organ transplants?

Generally they're not used, since animal organs are not similar to human organs, so are not suitable for maintaining function within the human body. In very rare circumstances they are used to try and bridge a gap until a human organ becomes available. They are never used as a long term solution (because they do not work long term). Whether they should be used or not is practically irrelevant, since they cannot be used as a long term solution.

What human organs are used to pump blood?

The heart.

Genetically modified organs from what organism may be used to replace defective human organs?


What organs are used in tennis?

In tennis, the primary organs used are the muscles / skin, the heart, the brain, the lungs, and the liver (lthe Iver helps to regulate energy and calories).

Should humans use other animals for organ transplants xenotransplants?

Generally they're not used, since animal organs are not similar to human organs and do not maintain function within the human body. People seem to assume that xenotransplants are far more common than they actually are. In very rare circumstances they are used to try and bridge a gap until a human organ becomes available. They are never used as a long term solution (because they do not work long term). Whether they should be used or not is practically irrelevant, since they cannot be used as a long term solution. Please see related link for further information.

What are the supra -segmental features of human speech?

the organs used when speaking

What phrase is used for selling human organs?

The illegal practice of selling human organs is commonly referred to as organ trafficking.

Why can a radioisotope be used as a tracer in the human body?

A radioisotope can be used as a tracer in the human body because tracers are used in the imaging the body's organs and tissues.

What is Xenon transplant?

If you mean a "xenotransplant", it is a transplant of animal organs to a human. These types of transplant are incredibly rare, since xenotransplantation just does not work long term - animal organs do not work in humans. (Sometimes xenotransplantation is used to bridge a gap for a very ill patient, until a human organ becomes available).