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mid-ocean rift zone

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Q: What is the term used to describe the area where thin oceanic plates spread apart releasing magma and creating new oceanic crust?
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Related questions

What does oceanic plates mean?

oceanic plates are plates that lies under the ocean. oceanic plates are plates that lies under the ocean.

What is oceanic plates?

it keeps the ocean and valcanos away from each other i think

Why are oceanic plates lower than continental plates?

Because continental plates are denser than oceanic. That is why oceanic and continental plates cause subduction zones.

What are divergent boundaries?

Divergent boundaries are areas where continental or oceanic plates are moving away from each other and creating new crust. Examples would be the Mid-Oceanic Ridge and the East African Rift Zone.

Do continental plates move faster than oceanic plates?

No, oceanic plates move faster than continental plates. This is due to the density of the oceanic plates (basalt is denser). For example, the fastest moving plates are the Pacific plate, Cocos plate, and Nazca plate. All oceanic.

How do the mountains that form along an oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary differ from those associated with an oceanic continental convergent boundary?

the oceanic plates are denser than continental plates, therefore, when oceanic plates and continental plates converge, the oceanic will go under the continental plates. But when two oceanic converge either both will rise to form moutains, or both will sink and cause a trench.

How do the mountains that form along an oceanic oceanic convergent boundary differ from those associated with an oceanic continental convergent boundary?

the oceanic plates are denser than continental plates, therefore, when oceanic plates and continental plates converge, the oceanic will go under the continental plates. But when two oceanic converge either both will rise to form moutains, or both will sink and cause a trench.

Describe what happens when two plates carrying oceanic crust collide?

Best Answer:When two plates carrying oceanic crust collide, the resultis that one goes underneath the other - probably causinga tsunami - or an underwater earthquake.

Are continental plates more buoyant than oceanic plates?

Continental lithospheric plates are more buoyant than oceanic plates, yes.

What happens when tech tonic plates collide with oceanic plates?

Tectonic plates are oceanic plates. But when tectonic plates collide and a convergent boundary earthquakes occur.

Oceanic plates diverge?

When oceanic plates diverge an underwater earthquake is the result. Oceanic earthquakes often result in disastrous Tsunamis.

What is the difference between oceanic plate and continential plate?

Oceanic plates are young and made of basalt and recent sediments. Continental plates are old and contain continental crust made of old rocks and they are usually considerably thicker than the oceanic plates