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If you are concerned about kidney function you can purchase some home urine test strips that will check your protein output (you do not want ANY protein in your urine as this could indicate kidney problems). The test strips depending on which one you purchase can test liver function, sugar levels, if white and red blood cells are present, specific gravety, and much more.

Do not however rely on just a home test, your physician can do a more complete urine exam which would tell the entire story on your kidney function.


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Q: What is the test to find out if protein is present?
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because it helps to recognize any protein present within food

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Real life situation for using a protein test?

Two real life applications using protein testing (biuret Test) Inlcude: - Lab tecs testing for protein in urine samples. If protein is present in the sample this indicates there may be problems with the kidney or other organs You should google " Urine Protein Test " for a full answer - As well you could use this test to test for the presence of protein in the food you eat. Although many pre-packed foods already have this information it may come in handy. For more info on this test and how you could use it go on or google " protein testing in food"

What is used to test for the presence of proteins?


What is present with a positive Mantoux?

If you get a positive Mantoux test it means that you have purified protein derivative. This test is used to test for TB or Tuberculosis. If you get a positive test, further testing is required to see if you actually have Tuberculosis.

What is the C-reactive protein test?

The C-Reactive Protein Test, or CRP test measures the amount of C-Reactive protein in your blood. The purpose of this test is to measure if these proteins are present in your bloodstream, which may indicate inflammation in your body. Sometimes it is used as a diagnostic tool to see if you have a bacterial or fungal infection. It is also used to monitor chronic inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis.

What is general test for protein?

1. Add 5 cm3 dilute sodium hydroxide (caustic!) to a 1% solution of albumen (the white part of an egg)2. Then add 1% copper sulphate solution3. A purple colour appears and this indicates that protein is present.

What is a chemical test for protein?

You can use hydrogen peroxide to test for protein>