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Q: What is the test used in corrections to justify restricting rights of prisoners?
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What are negative effects of prisoners' rights?

Some potential negative effects of prisoners' rights include concerns about the safety and security of prisons, the potential for increased violence or escape attempts, and the strain it may impose on resources and budgets for corrections departments. Critics argue that granting certain rights to prisoners can undermine the deterrent effect of punishment and may not adequately prioritize the rights and safety of victims and the general public.

What rights do prisoners have Scotland?

prisoners rights are rights given to prisoners by the government.

When was Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners created?

Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners was not created on a specific date. It is an ongoing movement and concept rooted in the recognition and protection of the human rights of individuals who are incarcerated. Efforts to improve the rights of prisoners have evolved over time through various legal and advocacy initiatives.

Do prisoners in NY have parental rights?


What did the south use to justify their secession?

State's rights

What does state-created rights mean within the context or corrections?

Human rights watch it responsibilities within a stateThe Rights of Minorities in the Islamic State

What made restricting religious rights of christians a crime in th English Colonies?


An inmate nearly fatally stabbed was on life support and the family not inormed civil rights violated to both inmate and family who can we complain to that will do something about it?

Well in my opinion, prisoners gave up their rights when they took someone else's away. What happened to the inmates' victims rights? Prisoners are treated better then Vietnam vets that have to live on the streets. Who cares about the rights of prisoners, they shouldn't have any. Why should the law work to help the prisoners always?

What dietary rights do federal prisoners have?

You have the right to eat what they give you.

How did southerner's justify secession?

They justified secession with the theory of states' rights.

Why do they want to release prisoners in Guantanamo bay?

The prisoners there are mistreated and are denied many basic rights.Even though, as war prisoners and not American citizens, they shouldn't be entitled to these rights.

What was the Maryland law that made restricting the religious rights of Christians a crime?

It was the Tolerance Act of 1649.