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Q: What is the texture of stem of banana plant?
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What part of the plant does a banana come from?


How come we plant banana using a younger plant?

The banana plant can be grown through its rhizome with sprouts (false stem)

What type of stem does a banana have?

Banana tree is soft stem. Because you can poke your nail inside

What is banana stalk?

A banana stalk, or the main upright stem is known as a Pseudostem

What is the difference between the palm tree and the banana tree?

guava tree has hard stem while banana plant has soft stem

What is the largest plant in the world without a woody stem?

A sunflower is the largest type of plant in the world without a wooden stem.

Which part of the banana plant is used for making fibers?

Leaf sheath encircling the stem of banana plant is used for making fibers.

Is banana plant an evergreen plant?

After fruiting the stem dies and off shoots develop from the base of the plant. They are both evergreen and deciduous Yes banana plant is an evergreen plant.

Is banana a woody plant?

Bananas do not grow on trees. A banana plant is the largest flowering herbaceous plant. The main stem is called a pseudostem which dies after fruiting then off shoots develop from the base of the plant

Is banana considered a tree shrub or a herb?

Bananas do not grow on trees. The Banana plant is the largest herbacious flowering plant. The upright stem in known at the Pseudostem which produces a single bunch of bananas. After fruiting the psdeudostem dies.

Why is a banana called an Herb?

I thought it was an herb... The bannana or banana is both a fruit and an herb. A banana is a fruit (containing the seeds of the plant). However, the banana plant, though it is called a 'banana-tree' in popular usage, is technically regarded as a herbaceous plant (or 'herb'), not a tree, because the stem does not contain true woody tissue, thus the plant itself is a herb.

The is the center of a stem and can store food.?

The center of plant stem that can store food is called the pith. The pith has a spongy texture. The pith in a tree is called the trunk.