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The indroduction of the story, "Androcles and the Lion", is that Androcles becomes a runaway slave of a Roman consul in Africa. He later finds shelter in a cave where he finds a wounded lion with a thorn in his paw. He assists the lion, and they become quick friends.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The rising action in "Androcles and the Lion" involves Androcles running away from his master, being captured and thrown into the arena with a hungry lion. As the story progresses, Androcles realizes that the lion he encounters is actually the same one he had helped earlier. This realization sets the stage for the climax of the story.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

An act of kindness is never forgotten and is repaid by an act of gratitude.

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What is the struggle in the story Androcles?

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Who wrote ''Androcles and the Lion''?

Androcles and the Lion is a famous play that was written by Bernard Shaw. The character Androcles however was devised years ago by Aulus Gellius.

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In the arena

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Omnibus - 1952 Androcles and the Lion was released on: USA: 14 October 1956

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The cast of Androcles and the Lion - 1938 includes: Iris Baker as Lavinia Holland Bennett as Metellus Newton Blick as Menagerie Keeper Harvey Braban as Editor William Hutchison as Captain Malcolm Keen as Ferrovius Michael Martin Harvey as Caeser Esme Percy as Androcles

What is the moral of Androcles?

The moral of Androcles and the Lion is that kindness and compassion are always rewarded. It shows that helping others, even in small ways, can lead to unexpected acts of generosity and gratitude.

What are the ratings and certificates for Androcles and the Lion - 1952?

Androcles and the Lion - 1952 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Sweden:15 UK:U USA:Approved (MPAA rating: certificate #15147) USA:Passed (National Board of Review) West Germany:12

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