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The poem 'Colonial Girl's School," by Olive Senior allows the reader to have a sneak peak on the colonial system in terms of schooling. In this poem we are made aware of how the black girls of this colonial school were treated and the dreadful rules they had to follow. At this time the culture and heritage of the blacks were lost and buried by the white people of this school. The girls were forced to impersonate someone else and were completely ignored by the white. They were forced to dress, talk and even act differently in this institution where learning became difficult for them since they were studying "History ancient and modern Kings and Queens of England" according to the poem. Further more, they knew nothing of their background and culture. All of these were kept away from them and were forgotten about in the process. Towards the end of the poem an awakening of the black culture is seen and thus we see changes for a brighter future. This is revealed with the use of child hood allusions. For example in the lines "one day we will talk about, how the mirror broke. who kissed us awake who let Anansi from his bag. In these lines we see hope for a change for these black persons who were being ruled by a colonial system.

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racism, freedom, search for identity and colonialism


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