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Q: What is the theme of the poem ''the celebration is now ended '' by gabriel okara?
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"Spirit of the Wind" by Gabriel Okara is a poem that explores the theme of change and the impermanence of life. The speaker meditates on the transient nature of existence, comparing it to the fleeting nature of the wind. Through vivid imagery and metaphorical language, Okara conveys a sense of nostalgia and reflection on the passage of time. Ultimately, the poem suggests that like the wind, life is unpredictable and constantly moving forward.

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Yes, there is hypocrisy in the poem "Once Upon a Time" by Nigerian writer Gabriel Okara. The poem critiques the facade of civilization and modernity adopted by the speaker, while revealing the underlying conflicts and struggles within. The speaker's desire to conform to societal expectations and abandon his authentic self reflects the theme of hypocrisy.

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