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Q: What is the thick top layer of interlaced leaves?
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Why does the bottom layer of the rainforest receive less sunlight than the top layer?

Because the leaves and branches of the top layer block sunlight from reaching the bottom layer.

What is the function of the waxy transparent top of layer of leaves?

The waxy transparent layer of leaves prevents water evaporation.

What is the function of the waxy transparent top layer of?

The waxy transparent layer of leaves prevents water evaporation.

What is the function of the waxy transparent top layer?

The waxy transparent layer of leaves prevents water evaporation.

Where is the crusts location on the Earth?

The crust of the earth is located right at the top which a thick layer

What is the function of the waxy transparent top layer of leave?

The waxy transparent layer of leaves prevents water evaporation.

Which of these provides the best estimate of how long it took a thick layer of sedimentary rock to form?

Calculating the age of the top and bottom of the layer

Does Neptune's atmosphere have any clouds?

All we can see of Neptune is the top of a thick cloud layer.

Why are plants bigger on the bottom floor of forests?

If the bottom layer leaves are small, the would receive lesser sunlight. The top layer leaves are smaller than the bottom layer leaves in size as they can receive more sunlight, thus the bottom layer leaves are larger in size to have a bigger surface area to trap more sunlight. Hope this can help you. '~'

The cuticle in plants?

The cuticle is the waxy waterproof layer on the leaves (it is thicker on the top, but there is also a thin layer underneath the leave), which prevents excessive water loss.

What is the name of the waxy coating on leaves?

Leaves have a waxy layer on top of their epidermis layer called the cuticle. This waxy surface protects the leaves from sunburn, dessication (drying out) and reduces attacks by fungi, bacteria, virus particles and insects.