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Q: What is the thing that breaks when you say its name?
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RIDDLE:What is so fragile, when you say its name, it breaks?Answer:SILENCE!!!!

What breaks when you say its name?

Silence Silence

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It's silence

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The best thing to do is only to support them. Do not try to offer advice or control them, as that will only cause breaks in the friendship.

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its a band name from soft drink lid, the rubber round thing inside the lid, it means that is someone breaks it you have to pash them.

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Sorry, there is no such thing as that name "SHANNON" in danish.

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A living thing that breaks down dead animals and plants for food is called a decomposer.

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No child in school likes school, not that they have a choice, apparently the only thing they enjoy is the breaks where they like get to play footy and have fun. what they say to me is that work is boring.

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Say your bin pets name like this name thing Franky!! Then say Come here and he/she will come