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Q: What is the thread like substance that passes on traits?
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What is the part with information that determines a living thing's traits?

The cell part with information that determines a living thing's traits is the chromosome. A chromosome is a thread-like structure within the nucleus containing the genetic information.

What is a cell part with information the determined a living things traits?

The cell part with information that determines a living thing's traits is the chromosome. A chromosome is a thread-like structure within the nucleus containing the genetic information.

What is a black thread-like substance in stool?

Have you been eating bananas lately? The center of the banana can cause this to happen sometimes. If you think you have a parasite take a stool sample and give it to your doctor.

What is a black thread like substance in stool?

Have you been eating bananas lately? The center of the banana can cause this to happen sometimes. If you think you have a parasite take a stool sample and give it to your doctor.

Why do split ends split?

its like thread it spits sometimes. why does thread split?

The thread-like structures which are the building blocks of fungi are called?

Thread like structures in fungi are called hyphae .

What is thread like structure in human body?

Epididymis is the very long 'single' thread like structure in your body. It is very interesting to remove this thread from the body in dissection hall.

What part of a cell carries information that determines traits?

Chromosomes carry information that determines traits. Nuclear membrane controls what moves into and out of the nucleus. Nucleolus helps make ribosomes.

What are the brown thread like things in stool?

It is probably just fiber from vegetables or fruits you eat, because fiber is cellulose and humans cannot digest it so it passes out whole (which is good to cleanse your colon). Don't worry.

Why does the flament have the shape it does?

thread like

What are some charactitistic traits?

Traits are anything about an organism. They can be physical traits like color and size and blood type, or they can by internal traits like courage and honesty and loyalty.

If you want to make clothes out of bacon what type of edible connective material should you use as 'thread'?

One would say that bacon clothes are best bound with real thread.. but that one doesn't see the word edible. After carefully thinking of the answer.. I have decided that instead of a thread like material, your best to use a glue like substance.. one way of doing this would be to use icing to connect your bacon... adds a sweet taste too. -Baconclothesexpert