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Q: What is the time lapse between lightning and thunder?
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Why do you see thunder after you see the flash of lightning?

You don't see thunder. You hear thunder. You hear thunder after seeing the lightning because light travels faster than sound. The further the storm away is, the bigger the time between when you see the lightning and hear the thunder.

Why can't you see thunder?

Thunder is our name for the sound made by lightning. The reason there is (usually) a delay between when you see the bolt of lightning and hear the thunder is that light travels more quickly than does sound. This is the reason that you can count seconds between seeing lightning and hearing thunder to figure out how close the lightning is to you. When the lightning is closer to you, the sound doesn't take as much time to travel to your ears and thus the gap between the lightning and thunder is shorter. So you can't see thunder because it's merely a sound - but you can see the source of that sound.

There is a delay of 5 seconds between the time you see a flash of lightning and hear the thunder?

the lightning is roughly a mile away

Is it dangerous to hear the thunder at the same time you see the lightning?

It could be. The light from the flash travels much more quickly than the sound waves that make up the thunder. So a longer time between them indicates that the lightning is farther away. If the thunder is immediate, you are very close to the lightning!

Is thunder the same as lightning?

Thunder and lightning occur roughly at the same time during a thunderstorm, but they are different things. Typically you see the lightning first and then you hear the thunder.

Why do you sometimes hear thunder at about the same time of lightning?

you are probably hearing the thunder from a different lightning strike.

How can you check if a flash of lightning is a long way off?

i think you count the time between a flash of lightning and the thunder and that determines how many miles away it is from you.

Use lapse in a sentence?

There was a lapse in time between the beginning and end of the experiment.

Why do sometimes hear thunder at about the same time you see flash of lightning but other times you hear thunder after the flash?

If you hear the thunder almost at the same time as the lightning flash - the storm is directly overhead. Usually - the sound of thunder arrives a few seconds after the lightning, because light travels much faster than sound.

If the time between when you see lightning and hear thunder is increasing the storm is moving away from you Why is this true?

The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of sound is about 750 miles per hour. When you see a flash of lightning, the light gets to you in, for all practical purposes, "no time at all". But the sound of the thunder takes about 6 seconds per mile. So if the average time between the lightning and the thunder is increasing, that tells us that the average distance to the storm is also increasing.

Does it thunder and lighting every time it rains?

No. It is very common for rain to occur without thunder or lightning.

Does lightening thunder?

Thunder and lightning occur simultaneously. We often hear the thunder after seeing the lightning due to the distance between us observers and the source of the lightning. Light travels faster than sound, so we see the lightning first and hear the sound later.