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Q: What is the time originated for Hinduism?
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Hinduism was originated in India.

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Where did Hinduism orignate?

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Where did Hinduism originated?


Where does Hinduism originated?


When and where Hinduism originated?

no 1 knows when it was originated but some say its a "made up" religion. it was originated in India.

Where did Buddhism and Hinduism originate?

Hinduism origin cannot be authenticated. Lord Buddha established Buddhism.

Who founed the religion Hinduism?

Hinduism originated from god himself, so there is no founder of Hinduism. Hinduism is also called the religion of No man for the same reason.

In what area did Hinduism originated?

the Hindu religion originated in India. there is an old wives tale; At first Indians were all called hindus, but as time went on, Indians converted to other religions. people started to find out that sayin Hindu, sounded similar to indu, therefore we are called Indians. pleasure Miss.DQ

Where abauts in the world did Hinduism originate?

Hinduism was originated in India & indus valley. Hinduism was known as Brahmanism before coming to India.

Where and when did Hinduism come from?

Hinduism originated in ancient India (which was much larger than the India of today) and it originated, most probably, well before 30,000 years ago.

What was the year Hinduism began?

Hinduism is believed to have originated something like 7000 years ago. Its precise origins are lost in the mists of time (which is to say, people didn't keep very detailed records in that time period).