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The time to the story of Adam and Eve was the "beginning". This was when time began, though this question is still debated based on beliefs.

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Q: What is the time to the story of Adam and Eve?
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Who accepts the story of Adam and Eve as part of their religious?

Christians accept the story of Adam and Eve.

The story of Adam and Eve is told is what book?

The story of Adam and Eve is told in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

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No, the snake tricked Eve into eating the fruit, then Eve persuaded Adam to eat it.

What is the name of a video about Adam and Eve?

There are three movies that deal directly with Adam and Eve; they are The Bible: In The Beginning, The Sin of Adam And Eve and The Creation: Adam And Eve. There are several movies that have excerpts of the story of Adam and Eve but they are only reference points.

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It is unclear from the narrative what time of day it was from the story as written. However, as Adam and Eve were is paradise, the current conception of a day may not be accurate to describe when the sin was committed.

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Both Victor and Eve were punished for their attempts to be godlike.

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Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree.

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How they where made.

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Adam and Eve |Story: Bible|

Where can videos about the story of Adam and Eve be found?

There are many videos online that tell the story of Adam and Eve. Youtube has many videos on this story as well as Christian websites like DLTK Bible.

Why were Adam and Eve's kids gay?

Whether you believe that the story of Adam and Eve is fact or legend, the truth is that there is no mention in the Biblical narrative of any gay people, not even the children of Adam and Eve.

What is the relevance of the myth of Adam and Eve in modern society?

If you believe the story of Adam and Eve to be a myth then it has no relevance at all. But if you believe the story to be true then it has great relevance. Because the story tells how man's relationship with God, the creator and sustainer of life, was broken when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Also everybody born since Adam and Eve is born without a relationship with God.