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The pores used for plant respiration are called stomata.

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Q: What is the tiny holes in leaves through which air passes?
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What do plant take in through tiny holes in their leaves that help them to make food?


Are flowers able to breathe?

yes, flowers breathe through tiny holes in there leaves and stems called pores

Tiny holes found in leaves which is known as?


How do plants breathe?

They breathe through the stomata and other pigments.Plants have these tiny holes on the underside of the leaves that allows them to absorb co2 and produce O

Is it true the tiny holes through which gases enter and exit leaves are called chloroplasts?

They are called stomatas. These are bound by guard cells.

What do the stomata do for the leaf?

it gives the leaf food, carbon dioxide enters through tiny holes called stomata, Oxygen leaves plant through stomata. This is called respiration

What are the tiny holes in the leaves allow air and water to enter called?


How does the respiratory system operate?

As you breathe through your nose, it will go through the windpipe and into your lungs. It will go through tiny holes in the lungs. The wastes will get out from the tiny holes into your windpipe and you breathe them out.

How is chives pollinated?

the answer is simple: chives have tiny microscopic holes in them which enable the tiny pieces of pollen to fit through the tiny holes. Hopefully that answered your question.

What is the name of the tiny holes found in leaves?

the tiny little holes that appear on a leaf which is usually a fern or mosses are calles spores. spores are very tiny singe cells.

What are the tiny holes in leaves through which carbon dioxide enters?

Stomata are present in between guard cells of green leaves.

What are the tiny openings under leaves called?

They are called stomata, tiny holes that regulate the intake/output of gas, such as carbon dioxide and oxygen.