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Q: What is the tissue factor that contributes to humoral control of blood flow by causing vasoconstriction?
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Related questions

What is humoral regulation of blood?

Humoral refers to the body's humors, or fluids. So humoral control is, usually hormonal, control that operates through the bloodstream.

What is the difference between neural control and humoral control of endocrine glands?

Hormone levels can be controlled by the nervous system (neural control), by other hormones (hormonal control), or by body fluids such as the blood (humoral control).

What is the stimuli causing endocrine glands to secrete their hormones in direct response to changing blood levels of certain critical ions and nutrients are called?

Humoral stimuli cause endocrine glands to secrete their hormones in direct response to changing blood levels of certain critical ions and nutrients.

What is the cause of blood vessel spasm in hemostasis?

"Initiated by endothelial injury and caused by local and humoral mechanisms". Other helpers such as thromboxane, platelets releasing prosaglandin and neural reflexes all aid in vasoconstriction of the vessels. (Porth & Matfin, 2009)

What are mediators of Humoral immunity?

Humoral immunity is mediated by antibodies.

Is adh stimulated by another hormone the nervous system or humoral factors?


What has the author Janice Mary Marshall written?

Janice Mary Marshall has written: 'Nervous and humoral control of peripheral blood vessels'

What is the humoral coagulation system?

The humoral coagulation system refers to the protein coagulation factor component.

What is ACTH stimulated by?

humoral factors

A circulating antibody is what?

humoral immunity...

Would lack of memory B cells for a particular antigen impact the primary or secondary humoral response?

secondary humoral response.

What kind of immunity depends upon the production of disease specific antibodies to destroy harmful bacteria?

humoral immunity