

What is the title leader of Canada?

Updated: 2/9/2022
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7y ago

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The head of government in Canada is called Prime Minister, currently held by Stephen Harper.

However, as a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is the Monarch, currently HM Queen Elizabeth II, and the viceregal representative of the Queen is the Governor General, currently Michaëlle Jean.

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Frances Nicolas

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2y ago
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14y ago

The head of government in Canada is called Prime Minister, currently held by Stephen Harper.

However, as a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is the Monarch, currently HM Queen Elizabeth II, and the viceregal representative of the Queen is the Governor General, currently Michaëlle Jean.

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13y ago

In Canada, the head of state is the reigning monarch who, when not personally in Canada, is represented by the Governor General; and the head of government is the prime minister of the day.

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