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This is the wonderful book THE CHOSEN by Chaim Potok. The sequel is THE PROMISE. In fact both boys are religious Jews; one is the son of a Rabbi, the other is the son of an academic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Q: What is the title of book or movie about two boys one orthodox and the other liberal Jews growing up together in Brooklyn NY?
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Do Jewish men go only to Orthodox synagogues?

Orthodox Jewish men go only to Orthodox synagogues. Non-Orthodox Jewish men would be likely to go to non-Orthodox places of worship. In Israel, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, there are prevalent numbers of non-Orthodox or Liberal synagogues. As a result, people in those places who are themselves Liberal can often find a Liberal synagogue in which to worship. Outside of those four countries, it is very rare to find a Liberal synagogue, so Jews of all religiousities (both Liberal and Orthodox) go to Orthodox synagogues for prayer, but will not perform all of the Orthodox Mitzvot when not in synagogue.

What are the Jewish religious denominations?

In North America: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist. In the UK: Orthodox, Masorti, Reform, and Liberal In Ireland: Orthodox and Progressive. In Israel: Orthodox (with a small budding Reform population).

What is the difference between a “Jew” and an “orthodox Jew”?

Generally, Orthodox Jews are those who have not accepted any of the changes made by the various streams of liberal Judaism. The most visible differences have to do with the roles of women. Orthodox Jews generally separate men and women in worship and do not allow women to lead prayers when men are present. All streams of liberal Judaism today allow ordination of women and generally allow mixed worship. There are different prayerbooks used in the Orthodox world, and some of the liberal prayerbooks differ in only small ways from one or the other Orthodox prayerbooks. Some liberal prayerbooks, notably in the Reform and Humanist movements, have differences big enough for non-Jews to notice. Finally Orthodox Jews have the most stringent standards for who is a Jew, rejecting most converts who converted under liberal auspices. Even the most Orthodox Jews, however, accept that most liberal Jews are Jewish, just not very observant.

What are the branches of Judiaism?

* orthodox- off branches- Ultra-orthodox, Hasidic, etc. * conservative ( in U.S., elswere maybe reform.) * Reform Or liberal

Are Jews divided into only the following categories or are there some more?

The various sects are: Orthodox Mordern Orthodox Conservative Reform Liberal Reconstructionist

What does non-orthodox mean for Jews?

It means that they do not go to the sabath alot and are not strict. There are two general categories of Judaism: Orthodox Judaism and Liberal Judaism. Liberal Judaism encompases a wide variety of different movements, including most famously: Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, and Hiloni. The term non-Orthodox is another way of referring to all of these movements within Liberal Judaism.

What is the meaning liberal family?

a growing or modern family.

What is the meaning of liberal family?

a growing or modern family.

How do you recognise a synagogue?

You can tell a Orthodox Synagogue is an Orthodox Synagogue because a Orthodox Synagogue has the seats for men on the floor at the sides and the back, and the womans seats on a balcony up top, and the reading desk and the bimah are in the centre. Other than a Liberal/Reform Synagogue because a Liberal/Reform Synagogue has the men and the women sit together, and the reading desk at the side in-front of the seats for the men and women.

Are orthodox Jews the largest group of Jews?

No, the Reform and Liberal movements has the largest number of followers.

What does non-Jew mean?

It means that they do not go to the sabath alot and are not strict. There are two general categories of Judaism: Orthodox Judaism and Liberal Judaism. Liberal Judaism encompases a wide variety of different movements, including most famously: Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, and Hiloni. The term non-Orthodox is another way of referring to all of these movements within Liberal Judaism.

Why does it feel like I am growing out of being a liberal but my friends don't seem to be?

That's an entirely natural phenomenon. It's likely that your friends are also "growing out of" being a liberal, but are afraid to admit it. The problem, of course, is that the word "liberal" keeps being redefined and reversed. The very word "liberal" has the same root as "liberty", and for the first 150 years of America's history, the "liberals" were pro-liberty. That was redefined during the Franklin Roosevelt administration, when the political "progressives" hijacked the word "liberal" and inverted its meaning.