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Lancelot and Galahad were given the title of "Sir" when they were knighted by King Arthur. It means they swore an oath to protect and defend the kingdom of Camelot.

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Q: What is the title of lancelot or Galahad?
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Who was Lancelot's son?

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How was Lancelot different from Galahad his son?

Lancelot and Galahad were much different. They were both amazing knights able to best most others at anything because of their skills in fighting. However, Galahad proved that he was the better knight by defeating Lancelot on the quest to find the Holy Grail. Galahad was more pious than Lancelot and it was his purity that allowed him to be the best. Lancelot had been considered the best knight but then, because of Lancelot's sinfulness Galahad was able to best him. Galahad also seemed like he was not human to many people because of his great holiness. Lancelot had made mistakes, but eventually had repented; Galahad didn't seem to make any mistakes and was able to reach the holy grail, while Lancelot was only to get a glimpse of it.

Who was sir galahad's father?

Sir Lancelot.

Who was the father of sir galahad?

Sir Lancelot

Who is it that overthrows Melyas and jousts with Galahad?

Sir Lancelot

Who was Sir Galahad in Sonic and the Black Knight?

Silver was Sir Galahad, he is the son of Sir Lancelot, who is strangely Shadow, he was given Lancelot's original name before Knighthood.

What is the name of Lancelot's son?

In Arthurian legend, LANCELOT was the father of GALAHAD (whose mother was ELAINE)

Who was Knight of the Round and Table Son of Lancelot?

Sir Galahad

What was Sir Lancelot first name?

bobby Galahad Joe

Did sir Galahad have a son or daughter?

In Arthurian legend, Sir Galahad is usually portrayed as the son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic.

Who were Galahad and King Arthur and Lancelot?

they all are knights from the middle ages

Did Lancelot search for the Holy Grail?

galahad found it in the castle of the "fisher king" where the knights of the round table had a meeting and was givin to galahad as a present