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Q: What is the title of the next rank after the cardinal in the catholic church?
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Who comes next after the bishop?

The position of cardinal is not an order to which one can be ordained; rather, a cardinal is simply an elector of the pope and the title is an honorific office in the Church independent of the priesthood. "cardinal" is the next order after "bishop"

Can Cardinal Pell be the next pope?

The only requirement to be pope is the potential candidate be a male Catholic. It also helps to be a cardinal. So, yes, Cardinal Pell could be the next pope but it is probably unlikely.

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Where was the first Roman Catholic Church in Georgia established?

The answer is not Fayetteville. In 1796, Georgia's first Roman Catholic Church was Established in Wilkes County. Next, a second Roman Catholic Church was established in Savannah in 1801

Why does the Catholic Church of Rome not help Filipinos?

The Catholic Church helps everyone. They are the first to address wrongs internationally. If you need help, find the nearest church and ask for help. If they do not help you, go to the next Catholic Chirch or Catholic Charities for assistance

Do Cardinals have to be Bishops first?

The short answer is no. A cardinal, technically, could be any Catholic man, historically, they have been ordained, either deacon, priest, or Bishop. A Cardinal is just the title of someone eligible to elect the next Pope. In recent times, if the Pope picks a priest as a Cardinal, they are *usually* consecrated Bishop, if they are not already. However, either Pope Paul VI, or John Paul II chose Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. as a Cardinal, and he, who was a priest of the Jesuit Order, declined consecration as a Bishop.

What do Catholic Cardinals do?

The Titular pastors of the parishes of Rome comprise the Sacred College of Cardinals. They are appointed by the reigned Holy Father, and their primary responsibility is to elect the next Pope. According to Canon Law, all Cardinals must now be priests.

What is the next sacrament after the holy communion?

In the Catholic Church, the next is traditionally Confirmation.

Why is the religon Catholic in Italy?

It is called the Roman Catholic Church. Rome is a city in Italy...The Vatican is right next to it.

Can Bill Donahue take over the Catholic Church?

I'm guessing that your asking if Bill Donahue can become The Pope of the Catholic Church. The short answer is no. The long answer: The Pope of the Catholic Church must first be an ordained a Priest of the Catholic Church. Becoming an ordained Priest is similar to becoming a doctor. Once your an ordained Priest, the next step is to become the leader of your local Parish. This position is called Monsignor. Most Catholic Priests that attain the position of Monsignor have spent the majority of their lives as Priests. Please note: The Catholic Church is not a Fortune 500 company. Priests don't aim to move to the next step in the Catholic Church. They're chosen for these positions, and many times they are more apt to reject these new positions than accept them. There are no financial raises here. All have vowed to poverty. After the position of Monsignor comes Bishop, than Archbishop and finally Cardinal. There are many years in-between these positions, and the vast majority of Priests who actually become Monsignor remain in that position indefinitely. Attaining the position of Cardinal would be loosely similar to being elected the President of the States. It's nearly impossible. Once a Catholic Priest becomes a Cardinal, he now must be unanimously chosen by the other Cardinals to become Pope. This will not happen until the current Pope passes away. I will safely say with absolute confidence that Bill Donohue has no chance to ever become The Pope of the Catholic Church.

Who is the national leader of the Roman Catholic Church?

First of all, it's just the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. There is no "Roman Catholic Church", it's just a not too complementary label, although it has been picked up even by some Catholics. . Secondly, the leader of the Catholic Church is Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, who rules through His Vicar on earth, the Holy Father in Rome. Given all that, and the fact that the Catholic Church is world-wide, it is divided (administratively) into countries or groups of countries usually under a conference; for instance, the United States has a "United States Conference of Catholic Bishops." The Holy Father and everybody under him are all Bishops - Bishop is the highest clerical ordination that Our Blessed Lord gave us. Some bishops are designated as Archbishops, for instance, if they are Bishop of an Archdiocese. Other Bishops are designated as Cardinals - which means that they are eligible to vote for the next Pope. Certain dioceses traditionally have an Archbishop who is *usually* named a Cardinal, in the United States, the oldest see in the nation is Baltimore, so that Archbishop is usually named a Cardinal, as well as the Archbishops of New York, Philadelphia, and some other sees across the nation. The entire conference of Catholic Bishops may elect any of their number as their "president" for the next term. He must be a Bishop, he *might* be an Archbishop or a Cardinal, but he would still be one of the Bishops of the conference. But, bottom line? Below the Pope in Rome, the highest authority in any diocese is that diocese's Bishop. A national conference is just for the convenience of the Bishops, it has no authority outside what the individual Bishops and the Pope give it, so there really is no "national leader" of the Catholic Church.

Does every archdiocese have its own cardinal?

No, Cardinals are not a rank in the Church. The Bishop of an Archdiocese is an styled an Archbishop. A Cardinal is *usually* a bishop (or made one after he is chosen Cardinal), and some Cardinals are Archbishops of Archdioceses but hardly all of them. Cardinal simply means a Bishop who has been chosen to elect the next Pope.