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Doctor Dolittle?

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Q: What is the title of the story about animals which can talk?
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What is a story where animals can talk?

animal Farm

The story of animals who can talk?

animal farm

What completes the title of a movie about a vet who can talk to animals?

Dr Dolittle.

What is a story about animals which can talk called?

A fable or fantasy......

Why did the animals talk in Aesop's Fables?

Most main characters were animals, and it would make for a pretty boring story if they didn't talk. :)

What would be a good title for a story about a girl who can talk to cats?

WikiAnswers cannot give you a "good" title because we have not read your story! An effective title must come from the story itself, not from someone who has never read it - that's like getting someone to draw a picture for it without knowing what it's about!Click on the Related Questions to see how you can find a good girl? talk to the animals?Feline Friend? Do You Speak Feline? Maybe you can make up with a word that means cat talker

How do animals resemble humans in the short story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling?

They can talk, have feelings, and they fought for there freedom.The animals in the story can talk the have feelings and they fight for there freedom. Rikki Tikki Tavi fought evil so that his family would be safe.What animals in which story.

What is the irony in the title of the story the best-seller' by o Henry?

The title "Bestseller" sounds as though the story is to talk and praise the bestsellers.But in this story Pescud mainly criticizes the bestsellers, saying that they are unrealistic and unbelievable.

A story about animal which can talk?

Over the hedge, Madagascar, GForce, Horton hears a who

Story about Animals that can talk?

Charlotte's Web is a great example of a book about animals that can talk. The classic children's book explores themes of true friendship and the loss of a loved one.

Why does a report need a title?

It is possible for a story or poem to have no title, but that is eccentric. A story title functions in some ways like a newspaper headline. It arouses the reader's interest and it gives some indication of the content. It also gives the story an indentity, so people can talk about it conveniently.

What should the title be?

To pick a title for a book or story, the title should capture the theme of the story. To know what the title should be we would need to read the article or story that is in question to determine the story.