

What is the total number of isotopes in platinum?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Platinum has six naturally occurring isotopes. They range from 190 to 196 in Atomic Mass. There are 31 synthetic isotopes in platinum that range from 166 to 202 in atomic mass.

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Q: What is the total number of isotopes in platinum?
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How many electron are in this element 193Pt?

An estimated 117 neutrons. This can vary as platinum has different isotopes of different mass thus resulting in varying number of neutrons.

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Isotopes differ by the number of protons.

How many neutrons does a platinum atom have?

Platinum atom has 78 protons and electrons; the number of neutrons is variable and depends on the atomic mass of the isotope (atomic mass of the isotope - atomic number = number of neutrons). The stable isotopes have 114, 116, 117, 118, or 120 neutrons.

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Platinum is a metal element. Atomic mass of it is 195.08.

Do isotopes have the same A number?

The atomic number is the same for the isotopes of a chemical element.

What atoms with same atomic number but different atomic masses?

Isotopes of the same element have the same number of protons (atomic number) but differ in number of neutrons (hence atomic masses).

What is the term for atoms of the same element that differ in their mass numbers?

We can find atomic mass and mass number in chemical elements. Atomic mass is about weight of the atom. Mass number is about total of neutrons and protons.